Social Media Set up & Integration
We can link your existing social media accounts, or we can establish new accounts for you. When deciding on how to integrate your social media onto your website - there are a few options for you to consider. We can place social media icons on your website that link directly to your social media pages. We can also add Facebook Like button directly onto your website or even embed your live Facebook feed onto any page on your website so visitors can view, like etc directly form your website. Using an embeded feed is a popular choice and can be a great way to showcase more of what your centre has to offer. Below are some options for you to consider. (Please note that the dimensions can be changed to suit your individual requirements - some restrictions may apply).
Embeded Facebook Live Feed
Like / Follow / Recommend Buttons
Another Like Button Option
Or Recommend
Sample Link Buttons

The Pro's & Con's of using social media on your website
There are always pro's & con's to consider with every decision you make for your business and there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to using social media for your business - it is all about personal preference and what will work for you and your business. There are also many different social media platforms, so it's important to choose what works for your target audience (your families). Below are some things to consider when you are thinking about using social media for your centre.
Advantages of using social media on your website
When used effectively, social media can have all the benefits of word of mouth, just on a larger scale! It can also help you reach a high number of potential customers.
Potential advantages of social media can include:
- social media is free to use!
- Increase brand awareness and exposure
- increase your online presence
- reduced marketing/advertising costs
- targeted Facebook advertising campaigns
- increased business/enquiries
- increased traffic to your website
- improved ranking on search engines
- greater communication between centre & families
- direct interaction between centre and families
- keep families up to date with centre news
- opportunity for feedback
- opportunity to conduct research for program planning
- excellent for event planning and shared experiences
- improved networking opportunities with families, services and other businesses.
- Another method of contact/messaging
Disadvantages of using social media on your website
Social media may not be suited to everyone. Some of the possible disadvantages you should be aware of are:
- If not used properly it can have reduced benefits for your business.
- Risk of negative exposure / reputation.
- Social media is immediate and needs daily monitoring.
- Additional time and/or resources may be needed to manage and monitor your social media.
- You need to be able to respond/reply to incoming messages in a timely manner or this may have a negative impact on the perception of your service.
- You may need to update your centre policies to cover the appropriate use of social media and its boundaries.
- Although there are many privacy and restriction settings, there is always a risk of unwanted or inappropriate behaviour, including bullying and harassment.
- If you don't actively manage your social media presence, you may not see any real benefits.